Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Toyota Sienna Recall Images

Last week Toyota’s “Swagger Wagon” commercial, advertising the Sienna minivan, received a lot of attention – mostly from folks like me who thought it was a hilarious, well-produced sales pitch. However, with the positive publicity, of course, came the negative (though depending on who you ask, there is no such thing; especially after months of reading about recalls and safety concerns on what seemed like to a daily basis). Most of the criticism centered around the fact that a young, hip, Caucasian couple being portrayed were rapping about the 2011 Toyota Sienna, and actually doing a decent job in my opinion. Critics claim that the commercial could be seen as racist because it portrays white people in a stereotypically non-white scenario. Christine Huang, the head of Cultural Trends at an advertising agency that specializes in campains targeting minorities was quoted in a post on personalmoneystore.com posing two questions: When is race role play and cultural appropriation okay? When is it acceptable, and when is it derogatory? In response to the post and the questions raised, readers left the following comments:

Toyota Sienna Recall Images
Toyota Sienna Recall Images
Toyota Sienna Recall Images
Toyota Sienna Recall Images
Toyota Sienna Recall Images
Toyota Sienna Recall Images
Toyota Sienna Recall Images
Toyota Sienna Recall Images
Toyota Sienna Recall Images

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